This information was compiled over the weekend of the 14/15 March. The following websites are expected to contain up to date medical information:
The following website is expected to offer broader information:
And this website has some travel advice:
We also have a Facebook Page with up to date information with volunteers etc. Please check if you have access.
And Michael Chisholm has kindly offered his call centre as an emergency contact number – 01855 811999. Please only use this number as a last resort.
If you do not have access to the internet, it is expected that regular updates will be broadcast on both TV and Radio. If your concerns are more urgent, we advise you telephone someone you know with internet access who can find the information you need.
It is expected that all community groups will act responsibly and follow any government guidelines. Therefore, any events or activities detailed in this edition of Slatest may be postponed or cancelled at short notice. Please use common sense in all circumstances and follow any official advice given. The Community Emergency Resilience committee have met recently to update the community emergency plan to ensure that we are best prepared for any foreseeable eventuality resulting from Coronavirus. We are building a team of volunteers prepared to respond if required, and have set up a Facebook group – @covid19balla – and an e-mail address. Michael Chisholm has kindly offered his call centre as an emergency contact number – 01855 811999. Please only dial this number in an emergency situation if local assistance is most appropriate, and we would ask that you dial from a landline whenever possible to allow calls to be more easily traced if necessary.
Please follow all current advice to avoid transmission of the virus.
Vulnerable People and Self Isolation
- Please be aware of elderly or vulnerable relatives, neighbours or friends and ensure that they have everything that they need, including medical attention if required.
- If you consider yourself to be a ‘vulnerable person’, whether due to age, health issues or other considerations, please ensure there is someone who can keep an eye on you and offer assistance where necessary. Community volunteers are available to perform this role if you don’t feel you have anyone else you can ask.
- If you need to self-isolate, please be aware that there is volunteer support within the community should you need it For any reason.
- Can you help? If you have any skills or abilities which may be of use to the community, please let us know.
If you live alone and need to Self Isolate, please consider the following:
- Check-in daily by phone or social media with someone local to confirm you are ok.
- Ensure you have access to sufficient food and drink
- You need not be alone. Use the phone, skype, Facebook etc to keep in touch with friends and family
- You can use the Green / Red cards provided in a window to identify if you need assistance.
- Use NHS24 / 111 as a first port of call for medical assistance.
- Do not open the door to visitors – talk through a closed window or by phone.
We are building a team of volunteers to help and assist anyone who needs it.
Ballachulish Surgery – closed doors
The surgery doors are literally closed but the surgery is NOT closed to seeing patients. This is to control patient contact in keeping with guidelines for social distancing and patient safety. Patients will be given entry one at a time only.
- Patients will be phoned by the GP/Nurse
- GP/Nurse will determine whether patient needs to be dealt with via telephone or face-to-face
- Patient will be made either telephone or face-to-face appointment by the GP/Nurse
Telephone appointments
- GP will phone within 1hr of telephone appointment
Face-to-face – but not respiratory problems
- Face-to-face: Patient will be asked to stay in car/outside and will be given entry/exit by the GP through the fire door
Face-to-face – respiratory problems
- Face-to-face: Patient will be asked to stay in car and will be given entry/exit by the GP through the fire door
- GP will be wearing an apron, mask, gloves and goggles when they see you in your appointment
- The room will then be cleaned and disinfected between patients
Prescription Ordering
- Patients should order in the usual ways – Repeat Slip, Email, Patient Access – Email and Patient Access being preferred to reduce patients being around the surgery
- If using paper requests patients should use the green post box on the outside of the building and not ask reception staff to open the door to hand them in
Prescription Collection
- Patients/Collectors should come to the staff entrance door (clearly marked with posters)
- Patients/Collectors knock and wait for reception staff to talk to them through the door
- Patients/Collectors will be asked to check the address of the prescription patient (this is for double checking the correct bag is being handed over)
- The bag will be left on a table in the foyer for Patients/Collectors to pick up once reception have opened the door – this allows for cleaning after collection and minimises contact
- Reception staff will sign and date all prescriptions – with only an additional signature by the patient/collector for Controlled Drug/Schedule 3 medication – the pen will then be cleaned after use by the Patient/Collector